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In Military Parade, Al-Mashat Threatens Saudi Coalition, Sends Message to US

تم نشره منذُ 1 سنة،بتاريخ: 16-08-2022 م الساعة 03:27:53 الرابط الدائم: https://newsformy.com/amp/news-1326204.html في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : الخبر اليمني
The President of pro-Houthis Supreme Political Council (SPC), the highest ruling authority in Sana’a, Mahdi al-Mashat, vowed on Monday that their forces will not hesitate to carry out the harshest strikes against the Saudi coalition, stressing that the US defensive weapons owned by Saudi Arabia and the UAE will not spare them from those strikes.

He pointed out that the United States announced on Sunday its presence in Hadhramaut, noting that is “a credibility for what we used to say that there is saliva flowing towards our people, but God willing, we will dry that saliva.”

He pointed out that the so-called “massive anger maneuvers” that are taking place today in Yanbu and in which the US and the Saudi army are participating will be, God willing, the long escape, instead of the outrage.

al-Mashat said, “I am here to advise the Saudi and Emirati regimes and say enough is enough. The United States is playing with you, and the United Stated wants through these maneuvers to raise your worn-out morale, because the defensive weapons that it gives you to protect you from the strikes of our missiles and our drones, will not avail you anything in front of our strikes, because it is designed to reach you if you bow your heads and insist on continuing your aggression and siege on our Yemeni people.

“As for us, neither your maneuvers nor the noise of those fleets in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden can shake a hair on us” He added.

President of Sana’a SPC attended on Monday the graduation ceremony of the “who were very mighty and formidable” of the Reserve and Central Intervention Forces batch in Amran province.

He addressed the graduates, saying, “You are God’s true promise and authority, who will judge you against those who were arrogant in order to avenge all the injustice they inflicted on God’s servants on earth.”

He pointed out that the training course will continue at a high and escalating pace in all military regions.

He said: “We are determined and honest in what we say that we will bring our country to safety with these proud heads that raise the banner of truth and Islam.”

President al-Mashat stressed the grave and great task that rests on everyone’s shoulders in safeguarding this country, its sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity, to be free, independent and full of sovereignty over all the national territory.

He added: “This responsibility we are honored in the leadership of the state to bear, and to be at its level, you men are in this force, and other forces in all regions, for this people and to protect them and preserve their gains.”

President al-Mashat also stressed the continuation and progress with all the benevolent forces in the country until our one and united Yemen regains its glory, unity, security and stability.

He pointed out that all the measures taken by the ‘occupation’ in the areas under its control are null and that the legal center of the Republic of Yemen is the capital Sana’a.

He addressed the countries of Saudi coalition, “We consider all your measures as fleeting occupation measures, no matter how much you perpetuate the chest of the people.”

He added: “How much the leader of the revolution gave advice to those who bowed their heads and stood in the side of the aggressor, and even that, unfortunately, until today they did not know what a grave mistake they committed, but they do not like the advice, and unfortunately they did not reach in the end a conviction that their position is wrong from the first day, and that the pure blood offered by the Yemeni people is the price of their freedom and independence, so do not be stingy, O people of great strength, in feeding the tree of freedom with your pure and pure blood, so that our people obtain their full right to a decent life, freedom and independence.”

He addressed everyone by saying, “I promise you that in upcoming days, you will hear about sudden changes,” explaining that there is a great change in the international mood, and that the Yemeni people, under their wise leadership, have become a difficult figure in the region to which the enemy and the world count a thousand accounts.

The President of the Supreme Political Council saluted the steadfastness of the Palestinian people, emphasizing the clear and firm position of Yemen on the central issue of the nation of Palestine

The post In Military Parade, Al-Mashat Threatens Saudi Coalition, Sends Message to US first appeared on الخبر اليمني.

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