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The French company raises shipping fees by 100% due to Sana’a’s decision

تم نشره منذُ 4 شهر،بتاريخ: 03-01-2024 م الساعة 04:15:44 الرابط الدائم: https://newsformy.com/amp/news-1952700.html في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : الخبر اليمني

French shipping group C.M.A. CGM announced on Tuesday that it would increase container shipping fees from Asia to the Red Sea by up to 100% starting January 15th, compared to prices on January 1.

Follow-up – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

The company stated in a memorandum on its website that “effective from January 15th, which refers to the loading date at the original ports until further notice, the shipping price for a 40-foot container between Asia and the Western Mediterranean will be $6,000, up from $3,000 in early January.”

The company also significantly raised shipping fees to the Eastern Mediterranean, the Adriatic Sea, the Black Sea, and Syria. A spokesman for the group refrained from providing further details to Reuters regarding the fee increase.

Shipping companies’ stocks have risen since the attacks by the Houthis on some ships in the Red Sea, amid expectations that longer routes will lead to higher shipping prices.

Earlier, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, spokesman for the Sana’a forces, confirmed in his latest statement regarding the Yemeni operations on the Israeli city of Eilat the decision to expand the ban on Israeli ship activity to the Arabian Sea.

Expanding the ban on ship activity in the Arabian Sea may further impact the Israeli occupation with more losses, especially considering its reliance on Gulf oil, and paralyze its ship movements in the entire region.

The post The French company raises shipping fees by 100% due to Sana’a’s decision first appeared on الخبر اليمني.

مشاركة الخبر: The French company raises shipping fees by 100% due to Sana’a’s decision على وسائل التواصل من نيوز فور مي

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