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A massacre by the occupation against more than 100 Palestinians gathering to obtain humanitarian aid, and Yemeni, international condemnation

تم نشره منذُ 2 شهر،بتاريخ: 01-03-2024 م الساعة 07:27:48 الرابط الدائم: https://newsformy.com/amp/news-2028080.html في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : الخبر اليمني

The Zionist occupation army committed a horrifying massacre on Thursday, resulting in the martyrdom of over 100 people and more than 250 injured who were awaiting aid in the northern besieged Gaza Strip.

Follow-ups – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

According to the spokesman of the Ministry of Health in Gaza, the toll of the “Rashid Street Massacre” has risen to “104 martyrs and 760 injuries from the bullets of the occupation forces.”

Eyewitnesses reported that during the attempt to obtain humanitarian aid, the Zionist occupation forces attacked the population, resulting in hundreds of martyrs and injuries.

The Ministry’s spokesman, Ashraf Al-Qidra, reported an increase in the toll of the “Rashid Street Massacre” to 104 martyrs and 760 injuries caused by the bullets of the occupation forces that targeted the gathering of citizens trying to obtain food during the arrival of aid trucks loaded with flour at the Al-Nablusi intersection west of Gaza City.

According to an eyewitness, the incident occurred at the Al-Nablusi roundabout in the west of Gaza City when a large number of Palestinians rushed to obtain scarce aid that had been reaching their area since the start of the war.

One blogger said, “By God, after this scene, it is an indescribable pain and frustration. They shared aerial footage during the distribution of aid today, and they gathered like ants due to the severity of the famine, and the occupier bombed them and admitted to it.”

International reactions condemning the massacre on Al-Rashid Street in Gaza continued after 104 Palestinians were killed and hundreds were injured by Israeli forces who targeted displaced people trying to obtain food from aid trucks loaded with flour at the Al-Nablusi intersection in the western Gaza Strip.

The horrifying massacre was met with widespread condemnations, demanding an international and transparent investigation in which the Israeli occupation army disavowed its responsibility for the incident.

Abdul Malik Al-Houthi, the leader of the “Ansar Allah” movement, stated that the enemy practices a policy of extermination by starvation against the population in Gaza, and “genocide” is a terrible and dangerous title for what the strip is witnessing, and it should not pass to us normally.

During his speech on Thursday, he stated that the Israeli occupation uses aid as a trap for Palestinians in Gaza and has turned the gathering of hungry and besieged Gaza residents on relief trucks in the northern part of the strip into a trap to target them.

He added that the occupation entity stands between the hungry in Gaza and a little bit of food and seeks to commit genocide in a very heinous crime.

Al-Houthi emphasized, “Our positions are clear, and our operations will continue with high effectiveness in the direction of the Red and Arabian Seas, the Gulf of Aden, and the Bab Al-Mandeb Strait.”

He affirmed the necessity of allowing food, medicine, and humanitarian needs to enter the Palestinian people in Gaza and stopping the acts of genocide.

He said, “By the permission of Allah Almighty, we have surprises that the enemies will never expect, and it will be very surprising to the enemies and beyond what the enemy and friend expect.”

The Palestinian presidency in the West Bank condemned the heinous massacre committed by the Zionist army, accusing it of seeking to “slaughter the Palestinian people and displace them from their land.”

Kuwait also condemned what it described as the “new crime” committed by the Israeli occupation forces against a number of defenseless Palestinian civilians after bombing them while they were present in the northern Gaza Strip to receive humanitarian and relief aid.

It reiterated its demand for an immediate and urgent ceasefire and ensuring the entry of relief and humanitarian aid to the defenseless civilians in the besieged Strip.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned the horrifying massacre, stating that the incident took place under “horrific circumstances,” according to his spokesperson, Stéphane Dujarric.

Dujarric also pointed out that “desperate civilians in Gaza are in urgent need of assistance, including those trapped in the north, where the United Nations has been unable to provide aid for over a week.” He reiterated the call for an immediate ceasefire.

Meloni added that “the fall of additional civilian victims, in large numbers, necessitates immediate efforts to create the conditions for a ceasefire and the release of hostages.”

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation condemned in the strongest terms the ongoing “massacres and war crimes” committed by the occupation, with the latest being the Rashid Street massacre in Gaza.

The organization reiterated its call for the international community to urgently intervene to stop the crimes of genocide being committed by the Israeli army, provide international protection for Palestinian civilians, and ensure permanent, urgent humanitarian relief reaches them.

الأهالي ينتظرون عودة أبنائهم الشهداء الذين ارتقوا برصاص الجيش الإسرائيلي في أثناء محاولة الحصول على الطحين من دوار النابلسي شمال قطاع #غزة pic.twitter.com/5VsYZokjTU

— الجزيرة مصر (@AJA_Egypt) February 29, 2024 The post A massacre by the occupation against more than 100 Palestinians gathering to obtain humanitarian aid, and Yemeni, international condemnation first appeared on الخبر اليمني.

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