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Sana’a reveals a series of qualitative military operations against the Israeli, British and American enemy

تم نشره منذُ 1 شهر،بتاريخ: 07-04-2024 م الساعة 10:02:19 الرابط الدائم: https://newsformy.com/amp/news-2063106.html في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : الخبر اليمني

Sana’a forces announced this evening the execution of five military operations in the past 72 hours against American, British, and Israeli targets in the Red and Arabian Seas.

Exclusive – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

The spokesman for Sana’a forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, stated that they carried out “a targeting operation against the British ship (HOPE ISLAND) in the Red Sea using a number of appropriate naval missiles, resulting in direct hits.”

He added that Sana’a forces executed “a targeting operation using a number of ballistic and winged missiles against two Israeli ships heading to the occupied ports of Palestine, the first being (MSC GRACE F) in the Indian Ocean and the other being (MSC GINA) in the Arabian Sea, and the operation achieved its objectives successfully.”

Additionally, Sana’a forces targeted “a number of American military frigates in the Red Sea using a number of drones, and the operations achieved their objectives successfully.”

Sana’a forces affirmed their continuity “in implementing the decision to prohibit Israeli navigation or any navigation associated with the Israeli enemy or those heading to the ports of occupied Palestine in the Red and Arabian Seas and the Indian Ocean until the aggression is stopped and the blockade is lifted from the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.”

The post Sana’a reveals a series of qualitative military operations against the Israeli, British and American enemy first appeared on الخبر اليمني.

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