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Rare skin diseases appear in Gaza

تم نشره منذُ 1 يوم،بتاريخ: 21-11-2024 م الساعة 09:30:35 الرابط الدائم: https://newsformy.com/amp/news-2154748.html في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : الخبر اليمني
Hundreds of children with skin diseases spread in their bodies are gathered at the Nasser Medical Complex in the southern Gaza Strip, waiting to see a doctor to examine them, write them treatment and reassure their companions. Among these children, a child named Daoud with pills that appeared to be burns spread all over his body entered the room of the consultant dermatologist, who stood shocked when he saw the skin infections spreading to the child’s body from the bottom of his foot to his neck. The doctor took all his patients out of the room and began examining the child in shock because this condition had never been in his medical career like this before. The doctor’s diagnosis showed that the child suffers from infectious bacterial bullous dermatitis, which is one of the most difficult infections because it spreads throughout the body from head to toe, and needs to be hospitalized and receive intravenous treatments.
Daoud is one of thousands of children in the Gaza Strip who have contracted infectious skin diseases as a result of the rapid spread of wastewater, the lack of safe drinking water, and the high prices of detergents, if available. UNICEF confirmed that as of June 30, the Gaza Strip had more than 100,000 cases of scabies and lice, 60,000 cases of rashes, and 11,000 cases of chickenpox.


The post Rare skin diseases appear in Gaza first appeared on الخبر اليمني.

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