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Sana’a Interior Ministry Receives 260 complaint,  Arrests 13 Officers

تم نشره منذُ 2 سنة،بتاريخ: 05-07-2021 م الساعة 06:30:19 الرابط الدائم: https://newsformy.com/amp/news-697237.html في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : الخبر اليمني
The Interior ministry in Sana’a arrested 13 non-commissioned officers and an individual work in police stations in the Capital Municipality, because of complaints against submitted by citizens, in preparation for referring them to the Inspector General of the Ministry of Interior to complete legal procedures against them.
The director of Sana’a security media, Najeeb Al-Ansi, said in a press conference, The Grievances Committee received 260 complaints, of which 133 were against police stations and 40 were civil complaints. The complainants referred to the judiciary.
He explained that 66 complaints were proven violations of police departments, in the light of which 5 officers, 8 non-commissioned officers and an individual were arrested, in preparation for their referral to the Inspector General of the Ministry of Interior to complete the legal procedures against them.” While 32 complaints are still pending, 19complaints referred to the Complaints and Reporting Centers of the Inspector General, as they pertain to public administrations.
Najeeb Al-Ansi unveiled that the number of 121 complaints related to police departments in the provinces has been postponed, and the complainants’ data were taken and informed that they will be contacted when the committee goes to the provinces.”The post Sana’a Interior Ministry Receives 260 complaint,  Arrests 13 Officers first appeared on الخبر اليمني.

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