In 111 Days Saudi Coalition Commit 14282 Violations of Truce in Yemen

In 111 Days, Saudi Coalition Commit 14,282 Violations of Truce in Yemen

تم نشره منذُ 1 سنة،بتاريخ: 23-07-2022 م الساعة 07:59:57 الرابط الدائم: في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : الخبر اليمني
The Saudi-led coalition forces continued to violate the humanitarian and military truce in Yemen under the auspices of the United Nations for the 111th consecutive day, with 14,282 violations, a military source in Sana’a said.

The source confirmed that the coalition forces committed 122 violations of the humanitarian and military truce, during the past 24 hours.

The source pointed out that the violations included the flight of the coalition Apache warplanes in the airspace of Najran, and 33 sorties of armed and spying reconnaissance aircraft in the airspace of the provinces of Marib, Taiz, Hajjah, Jawf, Saada, Dhalea, and Hodeida and the border fronts.

Among the violations also three violations with air strikes of the armed reconnaissance aircraft of the coalition forces on the homes of citizens and the positions of the army and the popular committees in Al-Barah area in Taiz and in Moris and Battar in Dhalea.

The coalition forces also committed five breaches by the creation of fortifications in Souh, Bekaa, and Shabakah areas in Najran, and Al-Soudah in Jizan, as well as in the south of Haradh in Hajjah province.

The source pointed out that four violations were monitored by missile strikes on the positions of the army forces and the popular committees in the eastern al-Balaq in Marib, and targeting a car of a citizen east of Hays in Hodieda, which resulted in the injury of five citizens.

According to the source, 58 breaches by shooting at citizens’ homes and army and popular committee sites were monitored in the provinces of Marib, Taiz, Hajjah, Saada, Dhalea, and Hodeida, and the border fronts, in addition to 17 violations by artillery bombardment of the coalition forces on Marib, Hajjah, and Hodeida provinces and the border fronts.

The source stated that intense artillery bombardment of the coalition forces targeted the positions of the army and the popular committees in Al-Amud in Wadi Jarrah in Jizan, as well as in Al-Shabakah and Jabal Al-Omda area in Najran.

The post In 111 Days, Saudi Coalition Commit 14,282 Violations of Truce in Yemen first appeared on الخبر اليمني.

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