Implementation of American-British Plan to Control the Tihama Coast Deputy Mohammed Waraqs Old Warnings Proven Accurate

Implementation of American-British Plan to Control the Tihama Coast: Deputy Mohammed Waraq’s Old Warnings Proven Accurate!

تم نشره منذُ 8 شهر،بتاريخ: 29-02-2024 م الساعة 04:22:14 الرابط الدائم: في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : عدن نيوز

Implementation of American-British Plan to Control the Tihama Coast: Deputy Mohammed Waraq’s Old Warnings Proven Accurate!

Yemeni parliament member Mohammed Waraq, the head of the Yemeni National Tihama Council, warned of an American-British plan to place the Tihama coast under international control under the pretext of protecting international navigation routes.

Waraq revealed in a previous Facebook post an Iranian-Emirati agreement to implement this plan, confirming that the withdrawal of forces from Hodeidah exceeded the limits of the Stockholm Agreement to pave the way for the implementation of this plan.

Waraq indicated that the plan involves Houthi escalation, tension, and extensive media coverage followed by American-British intervention with international peacekeeping troops, leading to the exit of the strategic Tihama coast, important islands, the international strait, the port of Hodeidah, and Aden from Yemeni sovereignty.

This warning about this plan was issued by Deputy Waraq four years ago in 2021, but his warnings did not receive attentive ears from Yemeni factions.

These developments are considered a severe loss for Yemenis and a significant gain for the new colonial powers, as the real deal of the century is achieved through regional brokerage at the expense of Yemen’s sovereignty.

Waraq asked, “Do Yemeni factions realize the magnitude of the disaster resulting from childish emotions and political maneuvers?”

These developments come amid escalating tensions in the region, as Iran continues to support the Houthis in Yemen, while the United Arab Emirates seeks to strengthen its influence in the Red Sea.

These developments raise concerns of a wide-ranging regional conflict in the area, especially with the increasing international intervention in Yemen amid recent events.

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