Russian-German Race over Sanaa Reinforces Saudi Fears of International Recognition

Russian-German Race over Sana’a Reinforces Saudi Fears of International Recognition

تم نشره منذُ 1 سنة،بتاريخ: 12-09-2022 م الساعة 10:26:07 الرابط الدائم: في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : الخبر اليمني
Saudi Arabia expressed on Sunday, its fears of international recognition of Sanaa’s authority.

Exclusive-Alkhabar alyemeni:

This coincides with an international race that portends changes in a landscape that has been closed for eight years.

The Saudi expert close to the decision-making center in the Kingdom, Ahmed Al-Shahrani, revealed his country’s fears of international recognition of what he described as “Houthis.” This came after the United Nations welcomed the coalition’s decision to allow ships to enter the port of Hodeida. Considering that recognition to Sana’a authority.

Al-Shahrani did not hide his fears of Sana’a’s decision to complete control of the rest of the regions in southern and eastern Yemen, with an international light. He pointed out that the international welcome came at a time when Sana’a forces were preparing to secure the rest of the governorates in Yemen.

The tweets of Saudi expert coincided with a shift in the Yemeni file internationally, which Saudi Arabia has been throwing all its weight to keep it out of international sight.

During the East Economic Forum, Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the Western countries, which are leading the negotiations in Yemen, of opportunism, noting that it captured most of Ukraine’s grain exports; only one ship was allowed to enter Yemen, the poorest country.

and the invocation of Yemen in Putin’s speech is an unprecedented precedent in Russia’s history over the past years, it has been keen to adopt a policy of neutrality in the Yemeni file, In terms of timing, it refers to Moscow’s efforts to strengthen its relationship with Sana’a, especially with the recent developments in the Yemeni file and Western pressures to extend the armistice, in order to limit the escalation of military operations that may undermine the West’s plans to secure a fuel supply line from the Gulf through Yemen’s most important corridors, in a way that strengthens the position of those countries in the face of Russia.

According to observers, Putin’s speech may carry special messages for Sana’a, especially in light of the ongoing movements in the Gulf of Aden amid the anticipation of a new international conflict there.

Contrary to Putin, Germany was quick to reassure Sana’a about the upcoming visit of the head of the Presidential Council authority loyal to the coalition in southern Yemen.

A spokesperson of German federal government stated that the expected meeting with the German chancellor will focus on efforts to end the war on Yemen.

Germany is trying, through its statement, which anticipates the arrival of Al-Alimi to Berlin, to emphasize to Sana’a that the visit does not include recognition of the coalition authority in southern Yemen.

Germany is trying to play a mediating role to support the efforts of UN envoy to Yemen, Hans Grodenberg, and it has already sent its ambassador to Yemen several times.

The post Russian-German Race over Sana’a Reinforces Saudi Fears of International Recognition first appeared on الخبر اليمني.

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