Israeli shipping official What is happening in the Red Sea is extremely complex and alternatives are limited

Israeli shipping official: What is happening in the Red Sea is extremely complex, and alternatives are limited

تم نشره منذُ 4 شهر،بتاريخ: 17-12-2023 م الساعة 03:08:19 الرابط الدائم: في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : الخبر اليمني

In the Israeli enemy entity, Gal Shaham, the Deputy Head of International Shipping at UPS Company, stated that the results of the Yemeni operations in the Red Sea are already having an impact on the entity’s markets and will become more evident in the coming weeks.

Follow up – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

Regarding the effects of Yemeni attacks on Israeli ships or those sailing to Israel in the Red Sea, Shaham confirmed in an interview with the seventh Zionist channel that these attacks are creating pressure on shipping companies, as some companies are sending its ships to roam around Africa, which doubling the shipping time, not to mention the increased shipping costs, etc.

He also confirmed that the increase in shipping prices is evident today, and shipping companies have introduced a war risk clause. For example, ZIM today announced an increase of $100.

Shaham stated, “Everything that comes and goes from Israel witnesses a rise in prices, and at some point, this will be passed on to the consumer, who will feel this in the rise in prices. They may not feel it yet, neither at the grocery store nor when buying clothes, but in a few weeks, when it reaches Israel, people will see it more clearly.”

He further explained that alternatives in the Israeli entity are extremely limited. Even if the decision is made to ship by air, it would lead to the same prices.

“Once more, this is a threat that has surfaced in recent weeks,” he continued. Although the full impact is still unknown, we can be sure that prices will increase and that there might be a shortage of consumer goods coming from China. As a result, they might manufacture these goods in Europe, which would result in a price increase because of the expense of production and raw materials. As things are today, everyone is searching for alternatives to export, but they have no idea what the future holds. Ultimately, the average citizen will bear the additional costs incurred by several suppliers and shipping companies. Of course, everything is possible, but the circumstances are quite complicated.”

Earlier, Haaretz reported that the attacks and harassment faced by ships off the coast of Yemen and the Bab Al-Mandeb Strait are of great concern and threaten the freedom of navigation and the security of supplying goods to Israel.

According to the newspaper, so far, seven ships have been hit by incoming missiles or have been approached forcefully and forced to retreat from their course. The final one was a chemical-carrying Norwegian tanker that was traveling to the port of Ashdod via the Suez Canal.

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