Sanaa strangles the Israeli enemy and here are some of the repercussions of its naval operations

Sana’a strangles the Israeli enemy, and here are some of the repercussions of its naval operations

تم نشره منذُ 5 شهر،بتاريخ: 23-12-2023 م الساعة 10:14:23 الرابط الدائم: في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : الخبر اليمني

The director of Israel’s Eilat Port has continued to warn in his latest press statements about the consequences of military operations by Sanaa forces against ships in the Red Sea heading towards Israeli ports.

Follow up – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

According to Gideon Golber, the port director, “Eilat Port has witnessed an 85% decline in its activity since the start of Yemeni military operations in the Red Sea,” affirming that these operations threaten the collapse of the Israeli economy.

Simultaneously, the British news agency Reuters published a recent report highlighting “the significance of this port, which makes its declining activity a real Israeli loss.”

According to the report, “the port is located next to the only coastal access point for Jordan in Aqaba, thus providing the Israeli entity with an eastern gateway without the need to navigate through the Suez Canal.”

The British agency’s report adds that “without the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, the main shipping artery to Eilat Port is closed. If the Yemeni operations in the Red Sea continue, we will reach a situation where there are no ships in the port,” as some ships arrive via the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean Sea.

The report further points out that “the alternative route to the Red Sea diverts shipping toward the southern tip of Africa, increasing the duration of voyages across the Mediterranean Sea from two weeks to three weeks, resulting in additional costs for shipping and goods.”

It emphasized that “if the maritime alliance, under the auspices of the US, delays in finding a solution to the Yemeni operations in the Red Sea, Israel will be forced to grant leave to port workers.”

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