In Numbers Toll of 3200 days of the Saudi-Emirati coalitions war on Yemen

In Numbers: Toll of 3200 days of the Saudi-Emirati coalition’s war on Yemen

تم نشره منذُ 3 شهر،بتاريخ: 31-12-2023 م الساعة 04:39:06 الرابط الدائم: في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : الخبر اليمني

The “Eye of Humanity Center for Rights and Development” in Sana’a revealed on Saturday the statistics of the Saudi-Emirati coalition’s crimes during its 3200-day war on Yemen, stating that “49,340 civilians, including 18,298 martyrs and 31,042 injured, were martyred and injured during that period.”

Sana’a – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

“The number of child martyrs and injured during the 3200 days of the American-Saudi aggression reached 4,107 martyrs and 4,901 injured,” while “the number of martyrs and injured among men reached 11,716 martyrs and 23,112 injured.” Additionally, “there were 2,475 martyrs and 3,029 injured among women,” according to the center’s statistics.

The center pointed out that the Saudi-Emirati coalition targeted “622 networks and communication stations, 3,290 reservoirs and water stations, 2,126 government facilities, and 7,794 roads and bridges.” Also targeted were “15 airports, 16 seaports, 351 stations, and generators.”

According to the source, during the 3200 days of the war on Yemen, “413 factories and 395 fuel tankers, as well as 12,387 commercial facilities, were targeted.” Furthermore, “476 poultry and livestock farms, 10,691 means of transportation, and 485 fishing boats” were targeted.

“Eye of Humanity” also noted that “1,038 food warehouses, 431 fuel stations, 709 markets, and 1,129 food trucks were targeted during the years of aggression.” Additionally, the coalition’s aircraft targeted “612,170 houses, 185 university facilities, 1,813 mosques, 390 tourist facilities, 425 hospitals, and health facilities.”

The recent statistics confirmed that the war coalition on Yemen targeted “1,314 schools and educational facilities, 12,503 agricultural fields, 267 sports facilities, 267 archaeological sites, and 63 media facilities” during the 3200 days.

The post In Numbers: Toll of 3200 days of the Saudi-Emirati coalition’s war on Yemen first appeared on الخبر اليمني.

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