Maritime patrols by Tariq Saleh in the Red Sea

Maritime patrols by Tariq Saleh in the Red Sea

تم نشره منذُ 4 شهر،بتاريخ: 04-01-2024 م الساعة 04:47:59 الرابط الدائم: في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : الخبر اليمني

On Wednesday, the US led Tariq Saleh, the commander of factions loyal to the UAE on the western coast of Yemen, to the forefront of the confrontation with Sana’a. This coincides with the escalation of concerns about attacks targeting its battleships in that region.

Exclusive – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

Tariq’s forces have started patrols along the waters adjacent to the Yemeni coasts, starting from Al-Khokha, Tariq’s coastal center, to Midi on the northern border of Yemen, according to military sources in the western coast.

According to the sources, the patrols were conducted aboard three small warships equipped with various American weapons. They reached Hanish Island and Jabal Zagar, where Tariq’s forces are stationed, before reaching Midi on the other side of the Red Sea.

These patrols are part of Tariq’s reconnaissance operations assigned to him by the US forces following the suspension of American battleships operations with escort ships due to an incident in which they targeted Yemeni Navy patrols, which resulted in the martyrdom of ten individuals and sparked tensions in the Red Sea amid anticipation of a Yemeni response.

Tariq’s maritime patrols coincide with military movements to escalate on various fronts, most notably Hudaydah and Taiz.

Tariq met with the leaders of the two axes affiliated with his opponents earlier on Tuesday. In an indication that he expected Sana’a to react to his movements, Tariq asked them to be fully prepared and ready for any emergency.

With the failure of forming an international alliance and US concerns about targeting battleships following the attack on Yemeni naval boats, Tariq is one of several factions in Yemen that are loyal to the coalition that America has appointed as alternative cards to secure the passage of Israeli ships through the Red Sea.

The post Maritime patrols by Tariq Saleh in the Red Sea first appeared on الخبر اليمني.

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