Ansar Allah Leader The American was surprised by the level of Yemeni tactic our impactful strikes will continue

Ansar Allah Leader: The American was surprised by the level of Yemeni tactic, our impactful strikes will continue

تم نشره منذُ 2 شهر،بتاريخ: 08-02-2024 م الساعة 08:48:45 الرابط الدائم: في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : الخبر اليمني

Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, the leader of the Ansar Allah movement, stated on Thursday that “the Americans and the British have engaged in aggression against our country to support the enemy in its aggression against Gaza,” pointing out that “the American-British pretext for launching their aggression against our country, “protecting international maritime navigation,” is a false pretext.”

Sana’a – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

Al-Houthi pointed out that “preventing ships from heading to the occupation entity has incurred significant losses,” explaining that the forces in Sana’a “are now targeting American and British ships and battleships in response to the aggression against our country, and we are carrying out effective and impactful operations.” He also considered the “current negotiation path as clear evidence of Israeli and American despair, although both sides are stubborn.”

He considered that the American-British involvement in the aggression against Yemen “has had adverse consequences for both parties and will not achieve their objectives or protect Israeli ships.” Furthermore, he stated that “it was America who militarized the Red Sea and turned it into another battlefield.”

He affirmed that the operations of the forces in Sana’a “will continue as long as the aggression on Gaza continues, and it is necessary to provide medicine and food to the sector and stop the genocide war.” He pointed out that America has admitted its inability to prevent the strikes targeting ships heading to the occupation entity.

The Ansar Allah leader mentioned that “the American attacks, which reached a total of 86, do not diminish our country’s capabilities, and our strikes continue to be effective and highly impactful.” He emphasized that “there is no other targeted country that can coordinate with us, and they should not listen to American rumors and misinformation.”

He stated that “the Americans were surprised by the level of tactics in Yemen and the supportive capabilities of Sana’a for Gaza,” adding, “the Americans realize that our army has been able to confront all American tactics through the war that lasted for nine years against us.”

Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi pointed out that “the Americans are aware that our people are armed, and our army is ready to interact with the Palestinian people and their oppression,” noting that “the Americans are not accustomed to having their ships and battleships targeted by missiles, so they respond with simple raids that have no impact on specific targets.”

He highlighted that “the American is looking for someone to fight on their behalf in the field and through mercenaries, and he does not dare to invade our country and confront our people,” confirming that “targeting Umm Al-Rashrash has affected the enemy’s situation there on all levels, and it has become unsafe.”

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