Sanaa forces escalate by carrying out several extensive operations in the Red and Arabian Seas and deep within the occupied territory

Sana’a forces escalate by carrying out several extensive operations in the Red and Arabian Seas, and deep within the occupied territory

تم نشره منذُ 2 شهر،بتاريخ: 20-02-2024 م الساعة 11:54:37 الرابط الدائم: في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : الخبر اليمني

The spokesman for Sana’a forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, announced the execution of multiple military operations targeting American and “Israeli” ships, in addition to targeting the depth of the occupation entity.

Sana’a – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

Brigadier General Saree clarified in a statement that their aerial drones targeted “a number of enemy American warships in the Red and Arabian Seas.”

The spokesman for Sana’a forces revealed that their air force also simultaneously targeted “sensitive sites of the Israeli enemy in the area of Umm Al-Rushrash in southern occupied Palestine with several other drones.”

In the same context, Brigadier General Saree confirmed that their naval forces carried out “a targeting operation against an Israeli ship ‘MSC SILVER’ in the Gulf of Aden using appropriate naval missiles.”

The spokesman for Sana’a forces stated that these operations come as “a victory for the injustice suffered by the Palestinian people, who are still subjected to aggression and blockade, and in response to the American and British aggression against our country.”

Brigadier General Saree Saree announced yesterday several operations targeting four American and British ships, resulting in the sinking of one of them. Additionally, Sana’a’s air defenses successfully shot down a US drone of the “MQ9” type.

The leader of the Ansar Allah movement, Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi had previously pledged to escalate their operations against the Israeli occupation entity, its navigation, and the supporting countries as long as they continue their aggression on the Gaza Strip.

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