700000people are facing starvation on the Strip

700,000people are facing starvation on the Strip

تم نشره منذُ 2 شهر،بتاريخ: 21-02-2024 م الساعة 05:42:08 الرابط الدائم: https://newsformy.com/news-2016414.html في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : الخبر اليمني

The government media director in Gaza stated on Tuesday that over 700,000 people are currently suffering from famine, which could lead to their deaths in northern Gaza.

Follow-up – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

It was mentioned that the Israeli occupation army deliberately starved northern Gaza and prevented any aid from entering, considering the population of Gaza to be in a state of famine.

In a related context, the United Nations World Food Programme announced on Tuesday that it has temporarily suspended the delivery of food aid to northern Gaza, despite the deteriorating conditions there, due to the area being unsafe.

The program stated in a statement that the plan was to send ten trucks of food supplies daily for seven consecutive days starting Sunday, but the aid trucks faced looting and gunfire.

The statement added that a convoy of trucks was heading towards Gaza City on Sunday, surrounded by crowds of hungry people who tried to climb aboard them near the Wadi Gaza checkpoint. It further mentioned that when the convoy entered Gaza City, it came under fire.

The second convoy witnessed chaos and widespread violence yesterday, Monday, as several trucks were looted between Khan Yunis and Deir Al-Balah, and a truck driver was beaten.

The statement indicated that “the remaining flour was distributed spontaneously on the trucks in Gaza City amidst extreme tension and anger.”

The WFP stated that delivery operations to the north resumed on Sunday after a three-week suspension following an attack on a UNRWA truck.

The program acknowledged the suspension of delivery operations and stated that the situation will further worsen as more people are at risk of dying from hunger.

It added, “The WFP will seek ways to resume delivery operations in a responsible manner as soon as possible.”

The statement emphasized the urgent need to expand the flow of aid to northern Gaza to avoid a catastrophe.

For the past ten days, only nine aid trucks have entered Gaza, and activists shared footage showing citizens rushing to obtain bags of flour as they enter the Gaza Strip.

One blogger stated, “Hunger in Gaza has reached a point where people run to get a bag of flour, while a man collapses in the middle of the road, unable to move, and no one comes to his aid!!!”

8شاحنات ل 700 ألف pic.twitter.com/M7VzsNLj1I

— A’laa Afifi (@AlaaSAfifi) February 19, 2024 The post 700,000people are facing starvation on the Strip first appeared on الخبر اليمني.

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