The Yemeni military operations cost the occupation economic losses due to the disruption of the port of Eilat

The Yemeni military operations cost the occupation economic losses due to the disruption of the port of Eilat

تم نشره منذُ 1 شهر،بتاريخ: 27-03-2024 م الساعة 04:06:55 الرابط الدائم: في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : الخبر اليمني

The Hebrew newspaper Calcalist stated that the stagnation in work at the occupied Eilat Port has caused tremors in the car market and a surge in its prices due to the failure to compensate for the significant decrease in imported cars.

Follow-ups – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

Customs clearance data for the period from January to February revealed that only 34,400 vehicles were released, compared to 46,900 vehicles during the same period in 2023, representing a decrease of 26.7%.

According to the newspaper, this downward trend worsens in car imports due to economic uncertainty caused by the operations of the Yemeni army, leading to cancellations of orders by importers who are concerned about escalating financial risks.

Gideon Goldberg, the CEO of the occupied Eilat Port, expressed his concern about the situation, which has resulted in millions of dollars in costs, considering it a significant setback.

The newspaper indicates that car importers are preparing for a shortage in the latter half of 2024, in addition to the cancellation of pre-approved discounts.

The port administration announced its intention to lay off half of its 120 employees, and in response, dockworkers staged a protest.

The alternative route to the Red Sea requires circumventing around the southern tip of the African continent via the Cape of Good Hope corridor, which prolongs journeys to the Mediterranean Sea for a period ranging from two weeks to three weeks, thereby increasing costs.

The leader of the Ansar Allah movement, Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, pledged to prevent the passage of ships associated with the occupation from the Indian Ocean to the Cape of Good Hope, while military centers admitted that Yemen still possesses a strong arsenal.

The occupied Eilat Port is located on the northern tip of the Red Sea and was one of the first ports affected when shipping companies changed ship routes to avoid Yemeni attacks in the Red Sea.

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