Sanaa condemns the US crackdown campaign against the student movement demanding an end to the aggression on Gaza

Sana’a condemns the US crackdown campaign against the student movement demanding an end to the aggression on Gaza

تم نشره منذُ 1 اسبوع،بتاريخ: 25-04-2024 م الساعة 10:05:33 الرابط الدائم: في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : الخبر اليمني

Sana’a, through its negotiator, Mohammed Abdul-Salam, condemned on Thursday “the malicious crackdown campaign carried out by America within its universities against the student movement demanding an end to the Israeli aggression on Gaza” and the cessation of US support for Israel with weapons.

Sana’a – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

Abdul-Salam stated in a post on the “X” platform that “America should be ashamed of claiming to defend human rights while trampling on them in its own backyard,” adding that Washington should “realize that the world sees it only as absolute evil that threatens humanity as a whole.”

In the same context, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Sana’a denounced the repressive actions by America against protesting students and supporters of the Palestinian cause, stating, “We are concerned about the suspicious statements of the Biden administration, which clearly pave the way for an imminent oppressive action against protests by American university students.”

He affirmed that Sana’a rejects “any infringement on these free Americans, considering them an integral part of the free human conscience,” urging the protesting students to make it difficult for the repressive actions against them by unifying and expanding their protest efforts.

Students from nearly 30 American universities organized unprecedented demonstrations condemning the genocide against Palestinians, while the US police suppressed these protests and arrested a large number of participating students.

Amnesty International expressed its condemnation today for the “racist and repressive treatment” of student protests in American universities demanding an end to the genocide in Gaza, affirming that it is a violation of the universities’ responsibility to facilitate and protect the students’ right to peaceful protest.

The crackdown on American student protests has led to an expansion of disturbances and created widespread dissatisfaction among students and professors. The crisis escalated at the University of Texas, where teachers went on strike after the arrest of students who showed solidarity with Gaza. Meanwhile, the sit-in continues at Columbia University in New York City.

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