Sanaa forces reveal qualitative military operations targeting two American destroyers and an Israeli ship

Sana’a forces reveal “qualitative” military operations targeting two American destroyers and an Israeli ship

تم نشره منذُ 2 اسبوع،بتاريخ: 30-04-2024 م الساعة 01:02:00 الرابط الدائم: في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : الخبر اليمني

Sana’a forces announced today, Tuesday, the execution of military operations against American and Israeli targets in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, in support of the Palestinian people’s just cause and in response to the American-British aggression on Yemen.

Follow ups – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

The spokesman for Sana’a forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, stated that the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out military operations against enemy warships in the Red Sea, including the targeting of two American destroyers using a number of drones, achieving their objectives successfully.

He added, “The naval forces, rocket force, and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in the Yemeni Armed Forces conducted a joint operation targeting the ship (CYCLADES) in the Red Sea with precision.”

Brigadier General Saree explained that the targeting of the ship came after it violated the ban on the passage of ships heading to the ports of occupied Palestine by heading to the port of Umm Al-Rashrash on April 21, using deception and camouflage by claiming that it was heading to another port, but it was under surveillance by our armed forces.

He confirmed that warnings were issued to the ship not to enter the occupied ports of Palestine, but it insisted on violating the ban, thus becoming on the list of targeted ships prohibited from sailing in the area of operations of the Yemeni armed forces.

He also revealed the targeting of the Israeli ship (MSC ORION) in the Indian Ocean by the UAVs in the Yemeni Armed Forces with the help of Allah Almighty.

Brigadier General Saree emphasized that these targeting operations continue to be carried out with the support of the Yemeni people and all free nations, in solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people, and in defense of dear Yemen.

He affirmed that these operations will not stop until the lifting of the blockade and the cessation of aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

بيان القوات المسلحة اليمنية بشأن عملية استهداف مدمرتين أمريكيتين وعملية استهداف سفينة (CYCLADES)  في البحر الأحمر وسفينةَ (  MSC ORION ) في المحيطِ الهندي التابعتان للكيان الصهيوني بتأريخ 29-4-2024

— الإعلام الحربي اليمني (@MMY1444) April 29, 2024 The post Sana’a forces reveal “qualitative” military operations targeting two American destroyers and an Israeli ship first appeared on الخبر اليمني.

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