Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza confirms the Israeli occupation destroyed Al-Najjar hospital in Rafah

Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza confirms the Israeli occupation destroyed “Al-Najjar” hospital in Rafah

تم نشره منذُ 13 ساعة،بتاريخ: 20-11-2024 م الساعة 11:29:26 الرابط الدائم: في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : الخبر اليمني
The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza confirmed the destruction of the Israeli occupation army of the “Mohammed Al-Najjar” hospital in the “Rafah” governorate in the southern Gaza Strip, and its outing of service. Dr. Marwan Al-Hams, Director General of Field Hospitals at the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza, said during a press conference that the hospital was providing health and medical service to nearly three hundred thousand Palestinians, pointing out that it was providing health service during the genocide war to one and a half million Palestinians displaced and citizens before the invasion of the governorate of “Rafah”. He pointed out that the Israeli occupation army continues to target the health system completely in all governorates of the Gaza Strip, as it destroyed dozens of hospitals and medical centers and completely put them out of service, in addition to deliberately targeting medical staff, as it has so far executed more than a thousand medical staff in Gaza. Al-Hams pointed out that the occupation army, during the past hours, targeted the “Kamal Adwan” hospital in the northern Gaza Strip, calling on the international community and all international organizations to work to stop the war of extermination against the Palestinian people.


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