POLITICO Houthi drones inflict heavy losses on America

POLITICO: Houthi drones inflict heavy losses on America

تم نشره منذُ 5 شهر،بتاريخ: 20-12-2023 م الساعة 09:52:11 الرابط الدائم: https://newsformy.com/news-1934643.html في : اخبار محلية    بواسطة المصدر : الخبر اليمني

According to the American newspaper Politico, officials in the US Department of Defense are increasingly concerned not only about the threat facing US Navy forces and international shipping but also about the rising cost of maintaining their safety.

Follow-ups – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

The newspaper reported that over the past two months, US Navy battleships have shot down 38 drones and multiple missiles in the Red Sea.

Quoting Pentagon officials, the newspaper stated that while the cost of a single Houthi drone does not exceed $2,000, the cost of using naval missiles reaches $2.1 million per missile.

“Offsetting the cost isn’t in our favor,” one Defense Department official said.

Former Defense Department and Central Intelligence Agency officer Mike Mulroy stated, “This quickly becomes a problem because even if we shoot down their missiles and drones, the greater benefit will be in its favor.” We, the US, need to start looking at systems that can defeat those systems that align more with the costs they spend attacking us.”

Experts also point out that battleships have a limited number of missiles they can launch before needing to return to the US weapons dock for reloading, with each ship carrying 90 or more missile tubes. However, with a large number of battleships in the region—at least four as of Tuesday—storage capacity is unlikely to be a problem in the near future.

Yesterday, the US announced the formation of a new naval force to protect Israeli ships in the Red Sea.

Politico reported that 19 countries, including some Arab allies, have joined the alliance; however, a senior US administration official stated that just nine nations wish to formally join the endeavor. According to a Defense Department official, Arab country find the situation challenging because they believe the alliance is there to protect commercial ships associated with Israel.

The post POLITICO: Houthi drones inflict heavy losses on America first appeared on الخبر اليمني.

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